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Instantly Analyze Your Data and Create Forms and Templates with Stand-Alone QDM SPC Module

Instantly Create Quality Reports, Ppap's, FAIR's and SPC Results in Seconds

QDM ANALYST is an easy-to-use analysis tool for processing your data and creating graphical and SPC reports. As a QDM Stand Alone Module, QDM ANALYST can be used on its own or as part of a larger QDM SPC System


  • Create FAIR, Ppap, and Quality Reports in Seconds
  • Use Data From Any Measurement Device or Source 
  • Generate Quality Metrics, Compare Data, and Visually See Your Quality on CAD Parts
Download the Brochure

Powerful Stand Alone SPC Tool

Instantly Create Quality Reports, Ppap's, FAIR's and SPC Results in Seconds

QDM ANALYST is an easy-to-use analysis tool for processing your data and creating graphical and SPC reports. As a QDM Stand Alone Module, QDM ANALYST can be used on its own or as part of a larger QDM SPC System


  • Create FAIR, Ppap, and Quality Reports in Seconds
  • Use Data From Any Measurement Device or Source 
  • Generate Quality Metrics, Compare Data, and Visually See Your Quality on CAD Parts
Issue Number One
Keep It Short
Issue Number Two
Keep It Short
Issue Number Three
Keep It Short

Bring Data and CAD Together

Use CAD, Images, and Graphics to add context to your reports and forms for fast understanding and comprehension.

Instant Compliance Reports

Create FAIR, Ppaps, and Quality Reports on Demand

Use saved forms and templates that can be instantly populated with new data to create First Article Inspection Reports (FAIR), Ppap's and other quality reports. 

Create Reusable Templates & Forms
Instantly populate with data to create reports. Feed up into dashboards.

Incorporate CAD to Create Context

Show your specific measurement points and link to CAD to standardize

Use the CAD data from customers or design teams to create measurement plans, and link the measurements and inspection data to CAD points, standardizing your process. Bring measurement data back into CAD to root cause and solve build issues. 


Customize Reports and Templates

Use CAD, Pick Charts, and Metrics 


Set up your reports, templates, and forms with customizable options, lists of metrics and charts, and add index and summary pages. 

Statistical Charts - Cpk / Ppk

Use metrics to instantly determine pass/fail. Quickly determine metrics and add pass/fail criteria to your charts.

Point to Point Measurements

See the distribution of measurements. Set the distribution of all of your point-to-point measurements, referenced on a CAD image of the part itself.

Customer Specific Reports

Create Custom reusable reports for each customer. Customize your forms and templates for each customer, then instantly generate customer reports specific to each customer's parts with the push of a button.

See It For Yourself

Start Making Reports in Seconds!

QDM ANALYST is a powerful tool that is easy to learn. Download the brochure to learn more, and contact DCS to get a free demonstration from one of DCS's experts. 

See It Yourself! Request a Virtual Tour